Since 2020, wallpapers’ popularity has become a hot topic for new homes. Wallpapers are back in fashion, and people love and try everything for a new look for their house. There are various options; whether it is color, pattern, texture, or size, they are available for every room of your home.
You can choose the wallpaper for every room of your house according to your preferences and taste, from florals to geometrical shapes to polka dots and modern art. Painting walls have become old, and wallpapers are the new trend everyone is interested in.
Wallpaper is a backdrop and adds personality and style to the modern interior design of your room. It is coherent how important it is to customize your home while also selecting home furnishings that are aesthetically pleasing and long-lasting.
Here are the 5 rules to follow while choosing suitable wallpaper:
1. Selecting the suitable wallpaper surface
Wallpaper with texture has a three-dimensional view that adds depth to the look of your room. This type of wallpaper can hide any imperfections or mistakes like cracks and holes in the wall of your room. Pick a wallpaper with a sleek matte finish to give your room a more streamlined and elegant appearance. This will bring comfort and elegance to your space without significantly detracting from your furniture.
2. Select the wallpaper that will suit your bedroom interior design
With so many choices already in the market, choosing the perfect one that fits and compliments your luxury bedroom design is essential. A room with few furnishings will gain visual excitement from floral patterns in vivid colors. A floral pattern can add style to a small space like your laundry room, give your dining room with wood floors a sophisticated flair, or add romance to your bedroom without overpowering the decor.
When you want something to be the center of attention in your room, you can use wallpaper with a geometric design. Geometric designs, such as wallpaper with pop art influences, instantly add style with their intriguing combination of shapes and patterns. Geometric wallpaper will give your room a sophisticated and modern appearance while leaving a lasting impression of continuous space.
An area that needs an exquisite yet elegant flair would benefit significantly from an artistic wallcovering. Take help from the interior company in Dubai if you are not sure what to do. Select a unique style that draws the eye and increases intimacy in a space without wall-mounted artwork.
3. Considering the size and layout of the room
The size and layout of your room should be a deciding factor in choosing the ideal wallpaper. The amount of natural light that enters your room should be considered. While a room with only lighting systems can feel more vibrant with a bold wallpaper design, a room with lots of natural light might not need wallpaper with vivid patterns.
4. Colour of the wallpaper for your rooms
Finding colors that perfectly complement the design and furnishings of your room can make choosing the right wallpaper challenging. The decision ultimately comes down to your personal preferences and tastes. Your wallpaper should complement the colors of your decor, flooring, and window treatments. By choosing wallpaper with the same primary color as the rest of the room but a few hues lighter, you can create a beautiful cascade of color. There are interior design companies in Dubai who can help you choose the right one.
5. Accessorize and decorate your room
Think of other unique wallpaper ideas and applications. There are some exciting and fun alternatives to simply covering all your walls with wallpaper when designing a room.
The last but not the least advice you can follow, is always consulting a professional to help you and inspire you to choose and apply the wallpaper that will bring the fresh air of spring in any room you want.